1st. Nomination by Quakeros. Scott Bader Foundation, Michael Jones, Commonwealth Secretary. Supported by Dr YaoNgoran of NGOs Division of 5 Continents that work with UN and Dr Ghaleb, Family Division also from UN. Dec 1998.
2nd.International Home Economics Services, Inc USA. President Ruth Norman. May 2000.
3rd.Parents Forum, Cambridge, USA. President Eve Sullivan. October 2001.
4th and 5th Two nominations. First one: Catherine Fonck First Minister of Childhood in Belgium. Second one: Sister from Belgium, that started a new center with early stimulation for children, supported, by Minister of Belgium( and wih commitment of asking Princess Mathilda to support her. Sept 2004.
6th and 7th Two nominations of México, by State of Coahuila (where Family Support has Centers). October 2004.
8th China, Sister Mathilda Handl, of de Benedictine Order of Tutzing. Met Family Support and heard conference in Summit ofUN in Copenhagen invited by Mr Sokalski. He was the organizer of this meeting by UN.
9nd thLa Nación, best newspaper of Argentina, suggests the nomination in Editorial and communicates its readers about it.July 2007.
10th.Interamerican Developement Bank (BID) by Dr Eugenio Díaz Bonilla, Director from Argentina after heard conferenceof DR Ana Mon in BID-Washington. December 2011.
11st Great publicationEl Argentino, Argentine Newspaper. 2011, that significated: many persons interested in starting new centers..
12th and13th ,12th) a very important Group of Attorneys of Argentina with international awards, directed by Dr Enrique Pedro Basla mqany times elected:President ofArgentinian Federation of Lawyers: FACA, and once was President of International Union of lawyers main office in Paris ( joining Bar of Lawyers all over the world), and other different very important other distinctions. November 2012.13th) by Dr Enrique Pedro Basla, PERSONALLY AS Head of of Basla and associates, One of the best ones of ARGENTINA.
14th November 2013from Luxembourg from distinguished Dr A Rollinger. June 2015.( now President of UnitedNations in Luxembourg
15th Dr Tomás Abadia, President of IADIC International (Intl Advisors for Business Commerceand Investments) who knows Family Support since he was in charge of argentine desk inEuropean Commission before European Union. 2016
16th Nominación by FUNDESO (President. Rafael Guardans Cambó) Ngo from Spain that introduced us to AECID ( Today AECI ) INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT FROM SPAIN ., with whom 500 farms were started in ARGENTINA( afterwards Javier Calviño Pazos , with office in Buenos AIRES City: Gave letter of recomendation of how we worked.FEBRUARY 2017
17th from the Bar of Lawyers of La Plata City( insist that is a very important one.. in the world… ) in 2019.PresidentDr Hernan Collie, who wrote and send nomination to Berit Reiss Andersen, who is a great lawyer in Oslo and coordinates the team that chooses each yearNobel PeacePrize ( and answered him:“ from Bar of Lawyers of La Plata City to Bar of Lawyers of Oslo… “january 2019
18th Nomination . Another one given by Bar of Lawyers of La Plata city, President Dr. Rosario Marcela Sanchez.October October 2022.
#1 Nominación por Quakeros. Scott Bader Foundation, Michael Jones, Commonwealth, Secretario. Diciembre 1998. Apoyado por Dryao Ngoran of Division NGOs de 5 Continentes que trabajan con Naciones Unidas, y Dr. Ghaleb, División Familia también de Naciones Unidas.
#2 Nominación por International Home Economics Inc. USA. Presidente Ruth Norman. Mayo 2000.
#3 Nominación por Parents Forum, Cambridge, USA. Presidente Eve Sullivan. Octubre 2001.
#4 #5 Dos nominaciones de la Primera Ministra de la Infancia de Bélgica, Catherine Fonck. La segunda pidiéndole a la princesa Matilda de Bélgica que apoye esta nominación. Septiembre 2004.
#6 #7 Dos nominaciones de México, por el Congreso del Estado de Coahuila. Estado libre, independiente y soberano de Coahuila (donde Apoyo Familiar tiene centros). Octubre 2004.
#8 Nominación por China: hermana Mathilda Handl, de la Orden Benedictina de Tutzing. Conoció el proyecto de Apoyo Familiar en la Cumbre Mundial de lo Social en Copenhague, Dinamarca, en 1995. Nominación 2004.
#9 Nominación por Diaro La Nación, diario de gran tirada de la Rep. Argentina. Sugiere en su Editorial del 2 de julio del 2007 la nominación al premio y comunica a sus lectores al respecto. Julio 2007.
#10 Nominación por Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Washington DC. Dr. Eugenio Díaz Bonilla, Director. 2011.
#11 Nominación por Diaro El Argentino, periódico de la Rep. Argentina. 2011.
#12 y 13 Dos nominaciones del Dr. Enrique Pedro Basla. Una como Presidente del Colegio de Abogados de La Plata y otra de parte del Estudio de Abogados Basla y Asoc. de la ciudad de La Plata. Esta última presentada al Bar of Lawyers of Oslo. El Dr Basla es ex presidente de la FACA y UIA: Unión Internacional de Abogados y ha recibido distinciones muy importantes. 2012.
#14 Nominación por Dr Andre Rollinger de Luxemburgo. Junio 2015.
#15 Nominación por Dr Tomás Abadia de Madrid, de IADIC International (International Advisors for Business Commerce and Investments). Enero 2016.
#16 Nominación por FUNDESO (Pte. Rafael Guardans Cambó) organización española que nos presentó a AECID, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, con quienes hicimos 500 granjas. Febrero 2017.
#17 Nominación por Colegio de Abogados de La Plata. Pcia. de Buenos Aires. Argentina. Presentada por Dr. Hernán Colli a Berit Reiss-Andersen. Enero 2019.
#18 Nominación por el Colegio de la Abogacía de La Plata, Pcia. De Buenos Aires. Argentina. Presentada por su Presidenta Dra. Rosario Marcela Sanchez. 2022.